Eagle Bay Brewing Co is committed to protecting the privacy of any personal information held about individuals in accordance with the applicable laws. “Personal information” is information about an identifiable individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, as defined by applicable law. Eagle Bay Brewing Co has implemented measures to comply with its obligations under the relevant Australian and New Zealand privacy laws.
This policy applies to Eagle Bay Brewing Co (ABN 11790175152) describes the way that Eagle Bay Brewing Co collects, holds and discloses personal information about individuals. This policy forms part of our Terms and Conditions for use of this website and other websites operated by us, which you should also read.
Why does Eagle Bay Brewing Co collect my personal information?
Eagle Bay Brewing Co collects and holds your personal information to allow it to perform its business functions. For example, Eagle Bay Brewing Co may collect your personal information to enable you to participate in an Eagle Bay Brewing Co promotion, for the uses listed below or to allow to market its current and future products and services to you.
What personal information does Eagle Bay Brewing Co hold?
During the course of our business, we may collect personal information from you. If you are a customer of a Eagle Bay Brewing Co distributor, we may also collect information about you from the distributor.
The types of personal information Eagle Bay Brewing Co collects will depend on the nature of your dealings with Eagle Bay Brewing Co and may (but does not always) include:
Your name;
Date of birth;
Personal and/or work contact details (including phone/fax number/email address, business name and authorised representative name and contact details, address);
Your product preferences and purchase history;
Any information about you which you provide through online restaurant bookings, promotions, competitions or customer surveys; and/or
Payment details (e.g. credit card number).
What if you don’t provide Eagle Bay Brewing Co the personal information it requires?
If you can’t, or won’t, provide Eagle Bay Brewing Co with the personal information it reasonably requires, Eagle Bay Brewing Co may be unable to provide you with the information, goods or services you have requested.
How does Eagle Bay Brewing Co collect my personal information?
Eagle Bay Brewing Co tries to collect personal information directly from you. That collection generally occurs when you:
Request information from, or have dealings directly with Eagle Bay Brewing Co;
Participate in a competition or trade promotion conducted by Eagle Bay Brewing Co;
Participate in a survey conducted by Eagle Bay Brewing Co;
Purchase tickets or merchandise from a website operated by Eagle Bay Brewing Co or one of the companies it uses to provide this service to our customers;
Access or request information from Eagle Bay Brewing Co website; or
In some circumstances however, Eagle Bay Brewing Co may also collect your personal information from other entities covered by this policy or third parties (including Eagle Bay Brewing Co distributors), but where it does so, it will ensure that it acts in accordance with relevant privacy laws.
Eagle Bay Brewing Co will such take steps as are reasonable in the circumstances (if any) to ensure that you are aware of the purposes for which it collects your personal information. Such notification may be from a Eagle Bay Brewing Co distributor where your information is collected (for disclosure to, or on behalf of, Eagle Bay Brewing Co) by such an entity.
How does Eagle Bay Brewing Co use my personal information?
Eagle Bay Brewing Co uses your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected, including (but not limited to):
Providing you with the Eagle Bay Brewing Co goods or services you request;
Promoting and marketing Eagle Bay Brewing Co current and future products and services (including to you);
Informing you of upcoming events, special promotions and offers, discounts and other matters, which Eagle Bay Brewing Co considers may be of interest to you;
Administering, reviewing and optimising the performance of Eagle Bay Brewing Co distribution network (including allocating customers to distributors) and improving the effectiveness of any software used by the distribution network; and
Improving the operation or navigation of Eagle Bay Brewing Co website.
Eagle Bay Brewing Co may also use your personal information for other purposes which are related to those listed above and which will be made clear to you at the time Eagle Bay Brewing Co collects that information, or for such purposes as may be required or permitted by law.
If Eagle Bay Brewing Co uses your personal information for direct marketing purposes, all correspondence sent to you by Eagle Bay Brewing Co will give you the opportunity to “opt out” of receiving any further direct marketing correspondence. If we use your personal information to send you any direct marketing communications, you have the right to request that we provide you with the source of that personal information. There is no fee for requesting this information. Unless it is impracticable or unreasonable to do so, we will provide you with the source of the personal information.
Will Eagle Bay Brewing Co give your personal information to anyone else?
In providing you the information, goods or services you request, Eagle Bay Brewing Co may be required to disclose your personal information to:
Eagle Bay Brewing Co consultants, contractors and service providers performing services including (but not limited to) promotions agencies, advertising agencies, legal and accounting services, credit reporting, mail-house, transport, prize providers, marketing, data analysis and processing and printing services; and/or Eagle Bay Brewing Co distributors, which may operate or hold data in Australia or in overseas countries. If Eagle Bay Brewing Co provides your personal information to such a party, Eagle Bay Brewing Co generally requires the third party to protect your personal information in the same way Eagle Bay Brewing Co does. Please note that Australian law may not apply to some of these entities. Eagle Bay Brewing Co may also disclose your personal information to other third parties where it is required or permitted to under any applicable law.
Is my personal information secure?
Eagle Bay Brewing Co takes reasonable steps to ensure personal information it holds about you is protected from risks such as misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, use, destruction, modification or disclosure.
No data transmission over the Internet is totally secure. As a result, any personal information you send to Eagle Bay Brewing Co over the Internet (including via email) is sent at your own risk.
Your rights of access and correction
The accuracy of your personal information is important. Eagle Bay Brewing Co takes reasonable steps to ensure personal information it holds about you is accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading. If you believe that any personal information Eagle Bay Brewing Co holds about you is incorrect, please contact us on 08 97553 554 or enquiries@eaglebaybrewing.com.au.
You have a general right to access the personal information Eagle Bay Brewing Co holds about you. You may on 08 97553 554 or enquiries@eaglebaybrewing.com.au to request details of your personal information. Eagle Bay Brewing Co can deny your request in some circumstances and if it does so, will provide you with written reasons for that denial. We will take reasonable steps to give access in a way that meets both Eagle Bay Brewing Co needs and your needs.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
Eagle Bay Brewing Co reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If Eagle Bay Brewing Co changes this Privacy Policy, it will post a copy of the updated policy on this website and your continued use of this website or interactions with Eagle Bay Brewing Co or a distributor following that posting will constitute your acceptance of the terms of the updated policy.
How do I obtain more information or lodge a privacy complaint?
If you:
Require further information regarding this Privacy Policy or any other steps Eagle Bay Brewing Co has taken to protect your personal information or privacy;
Have any concerns or a complaint regarding Eagle Bay Brewing Co’s privacy practices or its management of your personal information; or
Consider that we have breached the APPs, please contact us on 08 97553554 or enquiries@eaglebaybrewing.com.au. We acknowledge and take very seriously every privacy query and complaint that we receive. Eagle Bay Brewing Co will endeavour to respond to you within 30 business days.
If you’re not satisfied with how we have handled your matter, you may wish to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner via the contact details listed at http://www.oaic.gov.au/about-us/contact-us-page.